World: With 3,191 new cases and 245 deaths the number of coronavirus patients worldwide rose to 2,558,951. The death toll has reached 177,704 with 695,866 recovered cases all over the world.

However, as compared to the previous update, the number of new cases as well as the deaths reported seems declining giving us a ray of hope amid the crisis. The asymptomatic cases still continue to be a cause of worry for doctors worldwide.

The coronavirus COVID-19 is affecting 210 countries and territories around the world & has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. However, differences in testing mean that the number of cases may be understated for some countries.

2,558,951 confirmed cases and 177,704 deaths have been reported globally since 31 December 2019 and as of 22nd April 2020. 

Considering the number of confirmed cases USA, Spain and Italy continue to be the top three countries.  The USA, with 431 new cases has reached the count of  819,175 infected patients. Spain (204,178) and Italy (183,957) have been following it. 

Meanwhile, Mexico reported maximum new cases. 729 fresh cases of infections & 145 new deaths were reported in Mexico in past 24 hours. 

According to the latest data, the number of new cases and deaths reported in 5 new countries suggests a rise of the pandemic in these countries.

  • 729 new cases and 145 new deaths in Mexico.
  • 467 new cases and 13 new deaths in Ukraine.
  • 384 new cases and 3 new deaths in Israel
  • 289 new cases and 20 new deaths in Brazil.
  • 184 new cases and 8 new deaths in Pakistan.

Countries with Maximum Deaths

USA, Italy and Spain top this tally as well. 45,343 deaths have been recorded in the US, followed by Italy (24,648) and Spain (21,282).

Countries with Maximum Recoveries

Germany continues to top this list. There have been 99,400 recoveries in Germany so far. 82,973 patients in the US and 82,514 coronavirus patients in Spain have been successfully cured.

Latest update of Covid-19 Cases Worldwide 

Total Cases : 1,146,071; Total deaths: 108,006; Recovered : 350,013

North America:
Total Cases : 881,249; Total deaths: 48,613; Recovered : 100,507

South America:
Total Cases : 91,565; Total deaths: 4,336; Recovered : 39,780

Total Cases : 412,247; Total deaths: 15,523; Recovered : 193,041

Total Cases : 25,431; Total deaths: 1,197; Recovered : 6,780

Total Cases : 8,198; Total deaths: 88; Recovered : 6016

The countries reporting maximum deaths continent -wise:


USA – 45,343

Brazil – 2,761

Canada – 1,834

Mexico – 857

Ecuador – 520


Algeria – 392

Egypt – 264

Morocco – 145

South Africa –58

Cameroon – 43


Italy – 24,648

Spain – 21,282

France – 20,796

United Kingdom – 17,337

Belgium – 5,998


Iran – 5,297

China – 4,632

Turkey – 2,259

India – 645

Indonesia – 616


Australia – 74

New Zealand – 14