Delhi, India: In India, 3072 positive cases of coronavirus have been reported so far. In which, 30% of cases are spread due to people who have returned from the Tablighi Jamaat. In the last 24 hours, 601 cases of COVID-19 have been registered, and 12 patients lost their lives. This information was given by the Ministry of Health on Saturday evening. Ministry secretary Luv Agarwal said that the maximum infection has been seen in the youth which is 42% of total cases. These cases are found in a patient at the age of 21 to 40 years, while 33% of patients are between 41 and 60 years old. 17% of patients are above 60 years of age. And only 9% of cases are seen between 0 and 20 years old.

In the press conference, Luv Agarwal also stated that the number of infected people is increasing rapidly in some districts. A detailed plan is being prepared for them. More than 30 modules have been created for technical information related to the infection transition. It has been released on the ministry’s website. Doctors and health workers from all states were trained through different programmes. The official said that now the government’s focus is on increasing the number of testing kits. We have the capacity to do 70 thousand tests in a week. We are gradually increasing the testing capacity.The infected people of Tablighi Jamaat found in 17 states

The Health Ministry said that cases related to the Tablighi Jamaat have been traced in 17 states. Total no. Of infected cases which is directly related to Tablighi jamaat is 1023. These people are from Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Andaman and Nicobar, Uttarakhand, Kerala, Arunachal Pradesh, Haryana and other states. 22 thousand people who came into contact with them and all are kept under isolation. And they are supervised by a team of specialist doctors. Luv Aggarwal said that we are looking for all those involved in it. Our fight continues. If we fail to find a single person of that jamaat then the difficulties of the whole country will increase. We appeal to all people to support us to win this battle.Always wear a mask before leaving home.

Luv Agarwal said that it is necessary for all the people to wear a mask, who go out offrom the house. People can also use homemade masks. It is not necessary that everyone should use the N-93 mask used for medical staff and doctors. Homemade masks will protect you from touching your mouth and nose.