New Delhi: The coronavirus cases in India have topped 2.3 million after integrating 60,963 in the last 24 hours. The nation has been recording more than 50,000 every day cases for seven days, taking the count up to 23,29,639 cases, the third-highest in the world  after the US and Brazil.

India has the third-highest cases now after the United States and Brazil. But only the fifth-highest death toll, and for the first time ascendant entities verbally expressed that the fatality rate has dropped below 2%.

According to the health ministry data, currently, there are 6,46,022 active cases of coronavirus in India. The number of deaths reached to 46214 after 834 fatalities recorded in the last 24 hours.

The current recovery rate emerged as the comforting prospect amid the outburst of coronavirus in the country. The recovery rate is now stood at 70 percent. The total recovered people so far has surged to 16,39,599.

India’s topmost medical research body, the Indian Council of Medical Research, verbalized that on Tuesday, more than 7,33,000 samples had been tested for COVID-19 virus. There is a need to also break down how many infected persons underwent the gold standard RT-PCR test compared with antigen test which is a more frugal and more efficient but less precise blood test that probes for antibodies.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, Addressing 10 states which are as of now the most awfully impacted by the pandemic, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said control, contact following, and reconnaissance are the “best weapons” in the fight against Covid-19. The Prime Minister asked the main pastors to follow the mantra of testing and following every one of the individuals who have interacted with a contaminated individual inside 72 hours. 

Globally, more than 20 million individuals have been tainted with the novel coronavirus, including 7,38,063 deaths.

In the midst of race for a viable immunization around the world, Russia has endorsed a Covid antibody for open use without the last period of human preliminaries. The antibody, “Sputnik V”, has cleared administrative endorsements in record time, raising worries over its well-being and viability. Be that as it may, it is far from being accessible in India, if by any means.