WORLD: The novel coronavirus has infected more than 3.5 million people and killed at least 240,000 worldwide. With 2,145,833 active cases out of total 3,540,496 confirmed cases, the nations across the globe continue to struggle against an invisible enemy.

59,125 new cases & 2,391 new deaths have been reported in the past 24 hours globally. There have been 247,054 fatalities with 1,147,609 recovered cases.

The US has recorded 1,175,044 confirmed cases and total 68,109 deaths till now. With 14,270 new cases & 665 fatalities reported in the last 24 hours the condition of the US continues to deteriorate each passing day.

The United Kingdom too is struggling with the virus but it seems it is losing the fight with a huge rise in the number of cases and deaths. 315 deaths in 24 hours have been reported in the UK being the highest in European countries. The death toll in the UK is at 28,446 just a little distant from that of Italy’s (28,884).

Meanwhile, Ecuador has reported 193 fatalities in a day while Canada reports 109 new deaths. Maintaining their place in the worse affected nations, Italy has reported 174 deaths while Spain reported 164 new deaths on Sunday.

There has been a huge increase in the number of new contracted cases detected everyday in different parts of the world.

Russia has reported 10,633 new cases standing next to the USA in the list which reported 14,270 fresh cases on Sunday.The UK (4,339), along with India(2,806), Canada(2,643) & Ecuador (2,074) have been added to the list with more new positive cases of Covid-19.

Latest update of Covid-19 Cases Worldwide

Total Cases : 1,446,668; Total deaths: 140,410; Recovered : 540,145

North America:
Total Cases : 1,277,878; Total deaths: 74,658; Recovered : 219,683

South America:
Total Cases : 203,871; Total deaths: 10,469; Recovered : 70,739

Total Cases : 558,431; Total deaths: 19,602; Recovered : 294,199

Total Cases : 44,537; Total deaths: 1,785; Recovered : 15,033

Total Cases : 8,390; Total deaths: 115; Recovered : 7,165

Amid all the data presenting a very negative situation of the world right now, it is very important to have a look on recoveries as equally as we check on the number of confirmed cases. Various countries have been continuously making efforts to eliminate this virus and are controlling it in a very efficient way.

There are 177,008 recovered cases in the US while 148,558 patients in Spain & 130,600 patients in Germany have been successfully cured.

However, according to a comparative study some asian nations like India, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Thailand have reported 1death/million population which is far better than the ones reported by the nations with maximum recoveries. The US reported 206 deaths/million population while Spain has reported 540 deaths/million population and 81deaths/million population were recorded in Germany.