New Delhi: Amid the rising cases of Covid-19, the Delhi High Court on Wednesday made the wearing of masks compulsory even if a person is alone in a vehicle. According to the Delhi High Court, masks act as a “Suraksha kavach” for preventing the spread of Covid-19 and its use has saved the lives of millions of people. Justice M Pratibha said, “A vehicle even if occupied by one person would constitute a public place and wearing a mask therein would be compulsory”.

The whole world is fighting with the battle of Covid-19. And the international organizations have emphasized wearing masks to contain the spread of the virus. The court said, “The challenge of the pandemic was enormous at the outbreak of the same and even with the introduction of a few vaccines, the emphasis continues to be laid on wearing face masks. The wearing of masks is necessary irrespective of whether a person is vaccinated or not”.

Earlier, the government of Delhi had defended its decision to make the wearing of masks compulsory in personal vehicles and it cannot be viewed as a “private zone”. And now, to curb the spread of Covid-19, the Court has clearly stated that face masks are compulsory while one is traveling alone in a car.