On Thursday, the Congress party asked the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to distort the meanings of Rahul Gandhi’s comments involving ‘fighting against the Indian state’, making clear that by the “State”, Gandhi had meant the constitutional meaning as per Article 12 of India’s Constitution. At a press conference at the All India Congress Committee (AICC) headquarters in Delhi, senior Congress leader Bhupesh Baghel rejected the BJP’s version, saying that Gandhi is misinterpreted all the time. He also condemned the BJP for allegedly misusing centre agencies and appropriate institutions, which are categorised by the constitution as the ‘State.’
The furore began after Gandhi said this during the foundation stone laying ceremony of the new Congress party office in Delhi on Wednesday. During the event, Gandhi said that the RSS and the BJP had taken over all major organizations of the country. His comments especially came in the wake of remarks by the RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat on the topic of consecration of Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
Gandhi further stated that Bhagwat had said that true independence for India was achieved when the Babri structure was demolished, and the Ram Mandir was built, not when India got freedom from British rule in 1947. Gandhi was equally worried about this point of view. However, he clarified that constructing the new Congress headquarters was important since it represents the struggles and toil of millions of people in India. He drew the parallel between the Ram Mandir consecration and the construction of Congress’ headquarters, saying it was the continuing fight for India and its democracy and the spirit of the freedom struggle.
The political undercurrents of Baghel’s comment and Gandhi’s remarks are tense political rivalry between Congress and BJP over the political culture and identity of India, its struggles and its institutions.
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