New Delhi: The registration limit for Co-WIN, the central government’s web portal for coronavirus disease (Covid-19) vaccination, was on Friday extended to now support six members from one mobile number instead of four. In addition, a new utility feature has been added under which an existing beneficiary can apply to have their vaccination status changed from fully vaccinated to partially vaccinated or even unvaccinated. The latest changes come as part of a series of updates on various utility features for Co-WIN rolled out by the government for beneficiaries of the web portal.
According to an official release, these are the latest updates that were added to the Co-WIN platform:
- Registration on Co-WIN: Instead of the existing limit of four members, now six members can be registered using one mobile number on Co-WIN.
- Revoke vaccination status: A new utility feature has been introduced under the “Raise an issue” complaint in the Co-WIN account. Through this new feature, a beneficiary can ask for their current vaccination status to be revoked from fully vaccinated to partially vaccinated or even unvaccinated.
This feature has been introduced so that the vaccination status can be corrected by the beneficiaries themselves, as in isolated cases the vaccination certificates are generated due to inadvertent data entry errors by the vaccinator while updating vaccination data for the beneficiaries. The changes may however take 3-7 days to reflect since the issue first has to be raised via an online request from the portal itself. Once their new vaccination status is successfully updated in the system, such beneficiaries can get their due vaccine dose at the nearest vaccination center as per the preexisting standard guidelines, the government said.