New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said some MLAs were offered money and were threatened with CBI and ED raids. “We have called for a Political Affairs Committee meeting with all MLA today at 4 PM to discuss the issue”, tweeted the chief minister.

The CM’s statement followed the allegations by Manish Sisodia. They failed to break me, so now they have started a conspiracy to break other AAP MLAs by offering them Rs. 20 crores and threatening them with raids”. Besides Sisodia, four more Aam Admi Party (AAP) MLA’s Somnath Bharti, Kuldeep, Ajay Dutt, and Sanjeev Jha alleged that they got offers to join BJP.

Meanwhile, Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal today inaugurated 97 more electric buses at Rajghat Depot. According to authorities, the number of electric buses in the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) fleet would rise to 249 vehicles.