A teen from Arunachal Pradesh who went missing along the Line of Actual Control with China has been handed over to the Indian Army, Union Law and Justice Minister Kiren Rijiju tweeted today. Rijiju, a Lok Sabha MP from Arunachal tweeted, “Hotline exchanged on Republic Day by Indian Army with China’s People Liberation Army (PLA). PLA responded positively indicating handing over of our national and suggested a place of release”.
PLA had earlier confirmed that Mr Taron would be repatriated to the Indian side and delay in the same was caused due to bad weather conditions in the mountainous area.
Earlier on Tuesday, the minister wrote that the Ministry of Law and Justice have been constantly following the case from day one. The minister has been keen on safe return of the boy and had appealed to the people through a tweet, “I appeal to everyone to be cautious in making statement which are not based on facts”.
The teen went missing from an area close to the LAC. With immediate effect, the Indian Army had approached the Chinese counterpart on January 19 asking for assistance in tracing and returning the teen.