Mumbai: In the midst of all the debate swirling around the mysterious death of Actor Sushant Singh Raiput, his family’s legal advisor Vikas Singh said on Monday that there are incredibly high possibilities that it was a homicide. 

Vikas Singh, a previous Additional Solicitor General, said that after the passing of the 34-year-old entertainer, his flatmate Sidharth Pithani stayed in steady touch with the dispossessed family till the time a FIR was documented. 

“Be that as it may, after a case was enrolled (in Patna), he began helping Sushant’s ex Rhea Chakraborty,” the legal counselor said. 

The legal advisor additionally brought up issues on the autopsy report, asserting a great deal of “inconsistencies”. 

He asserted that the autopsy was conducted at a hospital with an awful notoriety and “is notorious for providing certificates in lieu of cash”. 

“In spite of the fact that the dissection is quiet on a great deal of things, as was there a stool to hang, regardless of whether he could have hanged himself or not, etc. I trust that the CBI as an extremely proficient and efficient agency will address these important inquiries and reach a logical result,” the lawyer included. 

Highlighting a mark found on Sushant’s body, the lawyer said that cloth, a part of which was found  hanging, may not be the one that caused Sushant’s passing. 

“The mark on Sushant’s body was an extremely uniform mark; such a mark can normally be made by a belt,” he stated, including that he didn’t know whether it was a dog leash or a belt. 

The previous ASG additionally called attention to that since another post-mortem can’t be completed and a ton of physical proof which could have helped resolve the case may not be accessible now, electronic proof would assume an extremely significant job. 

The Supreme Court had a week ago saved request on Rhea Chakraborty’s supplication for the exchange of the Patna FIR to the Mumbai Police. 

Equity Hrishikesh Roy had noticed that Rhea herself had argued for a CBI test. Both the Bihar government and Sushant’s dad are likewise looking for a CBI test into the entertainer’s demise, while the Maharashtra government restricts it.