KANPUR: A 10 year old died while playing cricket in UPs Kanpur said an official. Preliminary investigation revealed the boy died of heart attack on Wednesday.

The 16-year-old boy identified as Anuj was playing a cricket match with his friends in BIC Ground in Bilhaur, Kanpur. Batting on the pitch, he had scored 21 runs. It was when he shot the ball and ran to score another run that he suddenly collapsed on the pitch.

Seeing him collapse, the friends ran to revive him however seeing him unresponsive he was rushed to CHC hospital while his family members were also informed.

Dr Ganesh and Dr Abhishek Singh who examined Anuj in the hospita said his lips had turned blue and his pulse had stopped, after he was brought to the hospital.

Meanwhile, CHC head doctor Amit Sachan said, according to the report of our doctors, the student seems to have suffered a cardiac attack.