New Delhi: Bomb threats reached about forty airports, such as Mumbai, Jaipur, and Patna, through emails; security alerts were otherwise raised across the country. Jaipur airport was among the list of airports that were threatened in the e-mails meant to cause havoc at airports.

Upon the receipt of these threats, the security forces averted any compromise by enhancing security measures and conducting extensive searches at the subject airports. However, airport authorities were able to dismiss the allegations, stating that none of the passengers had any contraband items when thoroughly frisked.

Police officials revealed that the threatening emails retrieved were seemingly meant by people with the ill intention of causing an upset. There are attempts made to investigate origin of those emails via tracking the IP number from the suspected originator.

Police officials claimed that the airport has been scrutinized through thorough inspections and yet itself has not yielded any rampant results thus far, emphasizing the security inspections that have been carried out. To mitigate the threats, measures to tighten security measures have been adopted at Airports like the Mumbai airport and also the Patna airport, which has received many threatening emails.

These incidents have highlighted the importance of deep security features and effective responses to such threats to accommodate passengers and personnel safely. Police and other security forces have not been complacent as they continue to probe the origin of the threatening messages.

During the search for the perpetrator mist investigation, the Indian authorities are trying to make necessary arrangements to avoid any threats and increase security measures in all airports of India.