Three people were drowned and four were still missing after a boat with 17 passengers capsized in the Ganga river in Bihar’s Katihar district on Sunday. The concerned accident was reported at Golaghat at Amdabad. But ten people were saved on Sunday, some of who managed to swim to shore where the other search is still ongoing.

The District Magistrate, Manesh Kumar Meena, said, “Continuous search for the four persons missing is still going on. Moreover, it has been announced that there will be an inquiry to find out what went wrong in the accident.”

The deceased have been named as Pawan Kumar aged about 60 years and Sudhir Mandal, aged 70 years. They also said attempts continue to be made to find the third victim.

The fatally tragic accident of moling has raised many questions within the local families of the victims waiting for the report. Law enforcement agencies have not relented in their efforts in search of the missing passengers as the rescue crews do the same.

Some people have started reporting that the boat could have been carrying more passengers than were allowed or through having to tackle the rampaging currents of the Ganga at night. However, official approval, as the case may be, remains the success of the investigation.

This is not the first time a boat has sunk in Bihar some people have continued to fear the danger that is associated with river transport in this region. Many a time, proper safety measures such as life jackets and checkups on the boats are not well implemented thus exposing the passengers to such deaths.

The administration has called on the residents to be more careful while in boats, particularly, when there is difficulty in the water such as during bad weather or strong current in the rivers. Government help in terms of relief measures are being provided to such families meaning that the government promises to help all those That were affected by the tragedy.

The case portrays the demand for enhanced security measures and enhanced standards that should be adopted to avoid such disasters in the future.

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