The Bharatiya Janata Party won its first Lok Sabha election on Monday night after the country’s Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel declared the results. The success story started in Surat, where a BJP candidate reported himself as the winning horse with no contenders. The refusal of a candidate for the Congress major opposition party to present his name, together with the withdrawal of nomination by other contestants, gave rise to the occurrence of such a move.

BJP’s strong beginning makes one believe that it is going to sweep all the polls in Gujarat and has a stronghold on people. In the confines of this uncontested scenario, the Party’s candidate lacked competition and thus sailed without any formidable threat to rank first.

Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel lauded the BJP’s success as a manifestation of the BJP’s organizational strength and voters’ popularity concerning the party. Undisputed victory reaffirms a party’s well-established presence in this segment of the region and, in turn, opens up a positive picture for the coming Lok Sabha campaign.

As the conditions surrounding the success cast light on the problems faced by the brave contests against the BJP election machines, we come to understand why victory is so hard. The decision to reject a Congress nominee and the consequences of the withdrawal of candidates of other parties to face the BJP hegemony confirm how the opposition finds it hard even to develop a strong candidate to compete against the BJP.

The BJP scored a resounding success in Surat’s local polls, which serves as an influential initial indicator of the party’s electoral optimism for the state of Gujarat and even beyond. It demonstrates the party’s attitude of strength and how they thrive on inspiring their support blocks in crucial regions.

The BJP’s victory in Surat also highlights how the top through the nomination process is a key determinant of electoral results. Disregarding the selected candidate for the Congressman post by the electoral body brings out a message that underlines the significance of compliance with electoral policies and plans for the political actors.

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