On Friday, BJP MP Sambit Patra said that West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee must answer on hatching a conspiracy to hide the facts of the rape and murder of a trainee doctor of RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. Patra criticized the state government for attempting to hide facts concerning the case and wondered why money was given to the victim’s father.

Speaking to media persons during the press conference, Patra said, “A person gives money when he is corrupt and wants to hush something up. What was so important to the Mamata Banerjee’s West Bengal government that it had to buy off the victim’s father? These unsolved questions need answers urgently. ”

The uproar started after the grieving father had accused the police of pressuring the family to bury the body of the murdered junior doctor against their will. He said that they wanted to retain the body for several days of mourning but were compelled by authorities to burn the body.

Continuing the matter, Patra referred to the grievance of the father as the victim’s family was offered money by a District Collector, which they rejected. Patra lamented how this had affected the grieving father and raised an eyebrow at the authorities. He also specifically addressed the family’s handling; he agreed that they were deceived regarding the death and left waiting for many hours for the bad news.

Also, according to Patra, the authorities threatened the family to sign a blank paper, which raised speculations of a cover-up. “Why were the family members coerced into signing a blank paper?” Patra asked and said these grave allegations require proper probing.

These statements made by BJP MP Patra are to establish what he considers a miscarriage of justice and accountability, which requires thorough investigation.

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