Ranchi: Suspended BJP leader Seema Patra, accused of torturing domestic help, has been arrested by Ranchi police, officials said on Wednesday. “She has been taken into custody. Other formalities are being completed,” said Ranchi senior superintendent of police Kishor Kaushal after Ms Patra who was on the run was nabbed through a search operation. Patra will be produced to court later in the day and sent to jail, the officer added.

Seema Patra on Tuesday was suspended for allegedly coercing her domestic help to clean the toilet with tongue. In a video that went viral, her domestic help Sunita a 29 year old tribal woman is seen lying on the hospital bed as she suffered injuries on her face and body.

The 29-year-old woman has accused the suspended BJP leader of holding her captive and brutally torturing her. The maid alleged that she Ms Patra beat her with rods and an iron pan. She was also forced to lick urine off the floor. “She also broke my teeth with an iron rod,” Sunita alleged. The statement of Sunita was recorded in court under Section 164 on Tuesday.

Sunita is currently being treated at Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) after she was rescued Ms Patra’s son Ayushman along with the help of a friend, a govt officer. Following which a complain was filed under relevant sections of the IPC and SC/ST Act, 1989.