The BJP demanded Delhi’s Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s resignation due to the recent Supreme Court statement according to which his arrest was legal while releasing him on bail. BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia insisted that the court decision reflects Kejriwal’s position, saying that the AAP leader does not have the basic decency to remain in his constitutionally mandated job after facing this many allegations.

Bhatia then posed some questions on what Kejriwal had in the past advised politicians facing allegations to do to Kejriwal. He asked, “Why did he make those claims earlier? It has been six months, and he still remains in office. ” Bhatia then referred to the conditions to be met in order for Kejriwal to be granted bail, arguing that the nature of the charges against the politician explains the conditions imposed by the court.

Kejriwal has claimed that his arrest was unlawful but Bhatia said that Supreme Court has given clarity over this myth. He said, “Kejriwal has the right under the Constitution to contest the allegations but there has been no discharge or acquittal which tells its own story about Kejriwal’s status. ” In addition, he stressed that Kejriwal has not been saved from corruption charges despite being on bail.

Bhatia once again endorsed the BJP’s stand on corruption, saying that the BJP would not tolerate any acts of corruption and that no person holding a constitutional post should be charged with such an act. He complained that Kejriwal could continue to erode people’s trust; his question was: “Is this the kind of chief minister Delhi requires?”

He also condemned Kejriwal on the basis of his immoral character and the commercial he took for Delhi’s people for his own self-interest. Bhatia added that the Supreme Court has given an important message to all officials to remain ethical, particularly when they are being investigated.

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