On Thursday, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) upped its ante against the West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee by comparing her with North Korean Dictator Kim Jong Un. This intensification comes in the wake of comments by Banerjee on the BJP protesters’ demonstration against her party as well as on her government’s dealing with a high-profile rape-and-murder case.

The BJP criticism comes after a huge protest against Banerjee and her government over the brutal rape and murder of a trainee doctor in RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. Due to the party’s provocation, there were serious clashes with the police; tear gas, water cannons, and lathi charges were used to control the mob.

In her initial response to the rape-murder case and the BJP’s protests, Banerjee made a provocative statement: When BJP burnt Bengal, Assam, North-East, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Delhi too will burn he said this and the BJP raised serious objection.

The Union Minister, Giriraj Singh, also expressed his discontent with Banerjee’s sentiments, claiming that she had an undemocratic approach. Singh compared Banerjee to the North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, arguing that she does not allow criticism or opposition. Singh said bitterly, “This cannot be the language of a democratic leader or Chief Minister”.

BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla also criticized Banerjee over the remarks and stated that she is also disrespecting the protest of innocent violence and doctors by comparing the voice of the justice seeker with the disturbance maker.

Speaking on the 12-hour ‘Bengal Bandh’ called by the BJP, Banerjee said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi was not hesitating to use the situation in poll-bound West Bengal for political purposes. She declared, “Some want this to be Bangladesh, Bangladesh I have lots of respect for but it is a different country, this is India and this is Assam, West Bengal, North-East, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkand, Odisha and now Delhi too will burn! You topple my chair.”

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