Shimla- Following the impact of rainfall leading to landslides, cloudbursts, and flash floods in Himachal Pradesh, JP Nadda, the National President of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), visited the state on Sunday. His primary objective was to gauge the extent of damage that had severely affected the region. The heavy rains have caused havoc, destroying and disrupting residents’ lives.

Nadda, a native of Himachal Pradesh, is deeply concerned about the calamity that has befallen his home state. The government of Himachal Pradesh is currently grappling with the disaster aftermath and making concerted efforts to provide relief and aid to those affected.

Furthermore, Nadda’s visit signifies the party’s commitment towards ensuring that all necessary resources and support measures are extended to the state during this challenging period. The BJP leader’s trip to areas impacted by this disaster is expected to enhance coordination between state and central governments, facilitating relief operations and outlining a roadmap for rehabilitation.

JP Nadda’s hands-on approach in evaluating the situation first-hand signifies a proactive central leadership. His visit is expected to expedite the relief and rehabilitation efforts by galvanising resources and human resources. More than ever, it’s crucial for the central and state entities to synergise their efforts and work towards the speedy recovery of the “Dev Bhoomi” Himachal, ensuring that the people get back on their feet and the state regains its pristine glory. Collaboration between state governments remains crucial to assist individuals and restore normalcy as swiftly as possible.