Bengaluru: The Bengaluru Police exhibited alertness. They acted promptly to thwart a significant terrorist plot by capturing five individuals believed to be terrorists, on Wednesday. Acting promptly on intelligence inputs, the Central Crime Branch (CCB) unit of the Bengaluru police managed to avert a potentially catastrophic explosion that was being planned in the city.

The arrested individuals have been identified as Sayed Suhel, Umar, Junaid, Mudasir, and Jahid. Surprisingly, these suspects were not new to law enforcement; they were already accused in a murder case dating back to 2017 and were serving their time in the Parappana Agrahara Central jail. It was during their incarceration that they allegedly came into contact with terrorists, leading to the sinister plot.

Officials from the CCB revealed that after receiving crucial information about the terror plot, a dedicated team traced the suspects’ location and successfully apprehended them. The five individuals who are, under investigation have been discovered to have associations with Jamaat e Islami. This raises concerns regarding their involvement, in a network.

Hailing from various regions within Karnataka’s capital city, these individuals were part of a dangerous plot that aimed to sow chaos and devastation. In addition, to apprehending the individuals involved the police were able to confiscate a quantity of materials used for making bombs and various weapons from the suspects possession effectively putting a stop to their intentions.

Nevertheless, the authorities are not leaving anything to chance. Are carrying out an investigation to uncover any potential collaborators or secret stockpiles of weapons and explosives. The dedication and effectiveness demonstrated by the Bengaluru Police have garnered praise from both the government officials highlighting the role of intelligence-led operations, in combating terrorism.

This incident is a reminder of the dangers that cities, around the world face. It highlights the role played by law enforcement in protecting lives. The Bengaluru Police’s coordinated actions have effectively averted an event emphasizing the importance of ongoing vigilance and collaboration, among security agencies to combat the threat of terrorism.