Bengaluru: In an incident that has deeply shocked the community in Bengaluru, a man was taken into custody on Thursday for his alleged involvement in a double murder case. According to the city police, the suspect, Shekar (Shekarappa), is a 38-year-old electrician residing in Kuvempunagar. He was arrested in connection with the murders of a woman and her young son, with whom he reportedly had a relationship.

Based on police reports, it is believed that Shekarappa committed an act by ending the lives of Navaneetha, a 35-year-old employee at a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) firm and her 8-year-old son Srujan. Navaneetha was separated from her husband Chandru was involved with the suspect. However, tensions escalated when Shekarappa discovered she had started seeing someone leading to frequent arguments between them.

On that day, Shekarappa allegedly accessed the victim’s residence in the Rabindranath Gudde area, within Bagalagunte police jurisdiction. In a turn of events, he purportedly slit Navaneethas throat and suffocated young Srujan to death. To make the crime more horrific, he proceeded to ignite the gas stove, locked the house from outside and hastily fled away, leaving behind the victims to be found in a distressing condition.

Upon noticing that the stove had been turned on, the sad revelation was uncovered by neighbours who initially suspected a gas leakage. Desperate for any sign of Navaneetha’s response, they resorted to opening a window only to be met with a tragic sight.