NEW DELHI: Amidst the latest developments of the Shraddha murder case erupts another gruesome murder in southwest Delhi, where a son returning from the rehabilitation center allegedly killed his parents, sister, and grandmother after a rift.

The 25-year-old was arrested late night on Tuesday after the police received information about the grisly act from a neighbor who heard their quarrel.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (southwest) Manoj C  in a media briefing said that the accused was held hostage by the neighbors until the police arrived. Prima facie it seems that the accused killed his family following an argument, said the officer.

Primary investigation revealed the accused identified as Keshav was unemployed since Diwali and was under the influence of drugs since then. Exasperated by his behavior his parents sent him to a rehab center. “As per the initial investigation, the motive behind the killings appears to be the fallout of a quarrel with family members as the accused did not have a stable job, the DCP added.”

The bodies of the family members were found in different rooms. Sources said that the accused attacked his grandmother first, then stabbed his father to death later his mother followed by his sister. The bodies have been sent for autopsy.