New Delhi: Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal is infected with coronavirus. The news was confirmed by himself through his Twitter account today morning, where he informed that he has undertaken isolation at home. The infection comes three days after the CM addressed massive pre-poll gatherings and rallies at Punjab and Uttarakhand. The tweet read- “I have tested positive for Covid. Mild symptoms. Have isolated myself at home. Those who came in touch with me in last few days, kindly isolate yourself and get yourself tested.”
Kejriwal, in recent days, has been on a tour to the poll-bound state campaigning for his Aam Admi Party (AAP) amid the COVID surge. Today he was scheduled to attend a meeting with the Delhi Disaster Management Authority to talk over the COVID-19 situation in the state.
Delhi has been reported a record rise in recent days. With the positivity rate spiralling at 6.46 per cent, the state health bulletin dispatched a report of 4,099 fresh infections in 24 hours. According to Health Minister Satyendar Jain, the Omicron variant has fuelled the surge in the city. The record rise has been reported the maximum since May 18 last year.