Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal came out strongly against the Enforcement Directorate (ED) raids that were conducted on premises connected with AAP’s Rajya Sabha member Sanjeev Arora, who has been accused of money laundering in connection with a land scam. On Monday, Arvind Kejriwal also declared that the AAP party has never done anything wrong and added that “God is on the side of the AAP.” He added that the party is not at all threatened by the central government despite the latter’s efforts to try to bring down AAP through its investigative agencies.

It added that having accused the BJP-led central government of using the ED, the CBI and other agencies against the opposition AAP, Kejriwal should not complain. He said that it appears that the prime minister has only this goal on his agenda, namely to dismantle AAP. “It isn’t corruption anymore,” Kejriwal said. They found that it seems the prime minister had used all his resources and agencies before AAP was completely eradicated and its leaders were neutralized.

The comments were made just as ED officers conducted several searches in Jalandhar, Ludhiana, Gurugram, and Delhi in connection to a land fraud case related to Sanjeev Arora, Hemant Sood- a real estate businessman, and Chandra Shekhar Agrawal. However, AAP leaders were unbending even after such measures were taken.

Delhi former deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia also expressed similar views as Kejriwal and assured that there will be no impact on AAP as the raids are being done in order to get the morale of the party as well as its members down. Sisodia posted on social media that AAP members would not surrender to pressure, arguing that they “will not stop, get sold, or be scared”.

Kejriwal, in his speech, also pointed out that the people are slowly understanding the gap between the teachings of Prime Minister Modi and the actions of the BJP against AAP.

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