During the session of the PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) at Vigyan Bhavan in New Delhi, General Manoj Pande, the Chief of the Indian Army, emphasized how India’s unwavering political and military determination during the standoff with China in eastern Ladakh from April to May 2020 gained recognition on an international level.

General Pande highlighted that China’s aggressive behaviour extended beyond its borders and posed a threat to the accepted rules-based order. He mentioned that there was an increasing acknowledgement of China’s” economic pursuits.”

It is worth noting that despite the passage of time, there have been no changes in troop deployments or de-escalation along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh. General Pande had previously expressed concerns about incursions across the LAC and their potential to escalate tensions.

During his speech at the PHDCCI event, General Pande pointed out that China often treated trade engagements as zero-sum games due to its influence. He emphasized how China’s actions indicated a desire to exert power beyond its region, thus challenging the established rules-based international order.

General Pande also touched upon the idea of adversaries engaging in “Grey Zone pursuits” that continue, along with the challenges presented by security situations within the country. His comments provide insight into India’s position amidst geopolitical dynamics and its dedication to maintaining international standards and security.