Technology: Tech giant Apple recently announced to expand its Independent Repair Program to “nearly every country where Apple products are sold”. Over the years, Apple has been criticized for its restrictions on who can repair its devices, and this, in turn, ends up costing customers a lot.

The company further added that it will open its independent repair program to more than 200 countries which means that the program will be accessible in nearly every country where its products are available to purchase.

There will be training sessions for free for the repair providers. For qualifying, they must also agree to allow an Apple-certified technician to do the same. From this week, application for the program will start in the following countries: Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Bhutan, Japan, Korea, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Russia, Pakistan, and Thailand. Many more countries are also on the list.

To participate, the providers have to apply but once approved, they can only buy first-party materials like batteries, screens, and diagnostic tools. In the US, Canada, and Europe, the program is currently available.