The Khanna police station arrested an associate of Waris Punjab De Chief Amritpal Singh, said police on Thursday. As per sources, Tejinder Singh aka Gorkha Baba, a resident of Punjab’s Mangewal village has been detained. The police informed that Tejinder Singh was already facing a case of liquor smuggling.

Earlier on Thursday seven associates of Waris Punjab De were brought to Amritsar’s Baba Bakala court amidst heavy police protection. They are sent to judicial custody till March 23rd.

Meanwhile, as the manhunt continued on the sixth day a woman who sheltered Amritpal Singh, in Shahbad Haryana was detained.

According to sources, cops in Nanded are on alert and monitoring everyone arriving and leaving the district. The Maha ATS is also on alert to nab the absconding Khalistani leader. As the probe deepened it is revealed that the Khalistani leader and his aides recieved funding though 158 banks. Amritpal’s wife Kirandeep Kaur is accused of mobilizing funds for Warid Punjab De and Anandpur Khalsa Force. She was questioned by the Punjab police on Wednesday.

In view of the order issued by the Punjab govt curbs on mobile internet services and SMS service in Tarn Taran and Ferozpur districts of Punjab were extended. The services will now remain suspended till Friday noon.