New Delhi: As Supreme Court continues to hear pleas for legislation on legalizing same-sex marriages, Senior Advocate Geeta Luthra referred to Foreign Marriages Act of 1969 and said that virtually every democratic nation has recognised same sex marriages. The Supreme Court is hearing the pleas bought out by the individuals who argue that the right to marry a person by choice is given under Article 21.

Geeta Luthra, an advocate who also bought the Foreign Marriages Act, said, “Virtually every democratic, progressive country of the world has recognised same sex marriages. We cannot be behind even if it’s one person or one minority. We cannot deny them rights. This includes their rights of visa, inheritance, adoption, right to have children, insurance.”

Many petitioners supported this plea and said that Article 21 allows the people in India to marry any person of their choice. Article 21 has been mentioned as Protection of Life and Personal Liberty. Taking this article as a help, the petitioners said that it is the right of the individuals to marry any person of their choice, regardless of their gender.

Abhishek Manu Singhvi, who is a Senior Advocate, also argued the same by saying that the 30 days notice period under the Special Marriage Act 1954 should be removed. He also added that these notices allow the panchayats to interfere in the marriage.