Punjab: Earlier on Monday, the veteran Bollywood actor and BJP MP Dharmendra took to his Twitter handle to express his support for his ‘farmer brothers’. Through his tweet, Dharam paji also expressed his hopes for the protesting farmers to get justice. 

On account of the 7th round of talks that are being held today between the Centre and the leaders of the farmers’ unions, he prayed with all his heart that every noble soul gets relief. Thousands of farmers, vastly from Punjab and Haryana, are protesting at different borders around the national capital for over a month against the new farm laws.

The 84-year-old actor tweeted in support of the protesting farmers, writing – “I hope today my farmer brothers get justice. I pray with all my heart. Every noble soul will get relief”. (roughly translated from Hindi).

Well, this is not the first time that Dharam paji has taken to social media to seek justice for the agitating farmers. Earlier, in December, the actor was trolled after speaking up on the farmers’ crisis and urging the central government to find out a solution to put a cease on the protests.

“I am in extreme pain to see the suffering of my farmer brothers. The government should do something fast”, tweeted the veteran actor on December 11 of the last year. Later, he deleted the tweet after uncountable trolling comments.

Notably, Dharmendra’s wife, Hema Malini, is a BJP member as well as a parliamentarian from Uttar Pradesh’s Mathura constituency. She has been silent throughout the week of severe agitation, despite a large number of agitating farmers are hailing from