Uttar Pradesh: In a shocking incident reported on Wednesday, a school teacher has been booked for allegedly thrashing a five year old girl. The matter relates to the Unnao district of Uttar Pradesh where a teacher lost her cool when a student was making noise in the classroom. The unfortunate incident happened on Tuesday and the school teacher has been suspended. The Head Teacher of the school has also been suspended for not informing the concerned Education Department authorities on time.

The Basic Education Officer of Unnao, Sanjay Tiwari said that a case has been registered against the teacher and the investigation is on. A video showing teacher thrashing a 5-year-old went viral on social media.

Meanwhile, a similar incident came to light from one of the districts in Bihar also where a child lost consciousness after his teacher brutally thrashed him at a coaching centre. A video showing this incident was also posted on social media. The video showed the teacher slapping and punching the boy mercilessly and a stick was also used in the brutal assault. Police have registered a case there as well and the probe in to the matter is on.