Srinagar: In another successful encounter by security forces in Jammu and Kashmir, at least 3 Jaish-e-Mohammad terrorists including a Pakistani national were gunned down in Pulwama on Wednesday. The exchange of fire began at around 4:45 AM in the Chandgam area, coordinated by the J&K Police and the Army. At around 8 AM, one terrorist was confirmed dead by the J&K police. Minutes later, Kashmir IGP informed that all 3 terrorists have been eliminated in the region.
The forces recovered incriminating materials arms, ammunition including 2 M-4 carbines and 1 AK series rifle from the terrorists. He said the encounter was a big success for the forces. Notably in the last 10 days, as many as 17 terrorists from Lashkar -e-Taiba (LeT) and JeM outfits have been neutralised by armed forces in the Kashmir valley. Of these, 3 foreign terrorists and 5 local terrorists have been killed in the last 5 days themselves with zero collateral damage.
Last week, the J&K police had informed that wanted Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist Salem Parray was killed in an encounter with security forces in the Harwan area on the outskirts of Srinagar. IGP Vijay Kumar called it a big victory. In another significant achievement, the security forces gunned down a JeM Commander. Samir Dar was killed during anti-terror operations in the Anantnag district on December 30th, bringing closure to the deadly Pulwama terror attack.