New Delhi: India recorded 3,06,064 fresh infections in the past 24 hours The recovery rate at 93.07 per cent accounted for 2,43,495 recuperations in the last 24 hours taking the total recoveries to 3,68,04,145. The daily positivity rate stood at 20.75 per cent.
The number of active cases stood at 22,49,335 accounting for 5.69 per cent of the total number of cases. The active cases reported a rise of 62,130 in the last 24 hours.
However, the mortality rate stood at 1.24 per cent reported spike in deaths recording 439 fatalities, taking the cumulative death toll to 4,89,848.
The Omicron variant is in the community transmission stage in the country and has become dominant in several metros where new cases have been spiking exponentially, INSACOG, the Centre’s research body, said in its latest release. Worst hit state Maharashtra added 40,805 COVID-19 cases, taking its tally to 75,07,225, while 44 fatalities put the total number of deaths at 1,42,115. Karnataka reported 50,210 Covid cases in the last 24 hours, two days after the state lifted the weekend curfew that had been imposed to stem the spread of the coronavirus. The state where Omicron was first detected surpassed the active tally recorded in Maharashtra.
The health bulletin documented 162.26 crore cumulative vaccinations under the nationwide vaccination drive, including 27.56 lakh administrations in the past 24 hours.