Balasore, Orissa: Middle-aged woman raped by religious sage for 79 days. Reportedly the incident is reported from Orrisa’s Balasore district, where the survivor alleged the husband had forced her to stay with the Tantrik to resolve marriage discord between the woman and her in-laws.

As per the statement by the woman, her in-laws had tortured her physical, and mentally since the wedding in 2017. The accused Tantrik assured the family that the issues would resolve if the woman stayed with him for a few days. When she denied going, the mother in law of the woman sedated her and she later gained consciousness in the sage’s cottage along with her two year old son.

It was on April 28, the lady found a chance to contact her parents after the Tantrik had left his mobile phone in the room, who then informed the police.

The woman in her complaint has named her husband along with her brother in law and other in-laws. So far no arrests have been made and the manhunt has been launched to nab the tantrik. A case has been under the Indian Penal Code, including Section 376 (rape), has been registered against the accused