New Delhi: A 19-year old boy was arrested from Rajasthan who was allegedly involved in Crypto scam on social media. According to reports, the accused promised people to double their money in a day.

The matter surfaced when a victim in Delhi filed a case as he was duped for 45 thousand rupees. Narendra Chaudhary, the 19-year old boy, ran a mobile accessories shop. He used to perform this scam along with one of his friends who was a juvenile.

As per the complaint, he had joined a social media group; advertising high returns on investments in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, as well as mutual funds. The alleged scamsters convinced him to invest by promising quick profits, and he ended up losing Rs 45,000 in total.

This serves as a warning to all potential investors to be cautious and do their research before investing in any scheme promising high returns. Don’t fall for the lure of quick riches and always verify the authenticity of investment opportunities.