Lucknow: In a significant boost to farmers, the 14th installment of the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) scheme is set to be credited directly into the accounts of beneficiaries on Thursday. Under this initiative, a staggering Rs 4167 crore will be disbursed to 1.86 crore farmers in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The honorable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, will personally launch the distribution of funds from Rajasthan, benefiting farmers across the country.

The Agriculture Minister, Surya Pratap Shahi has made an announcement stating that a significant number of farmers, across the country including a proportion from Uttar Pradesh will be provided with assistance. The implementation of this scheme is currently in progress. Authorities are diligently scrutinizing the information of registered farmers as well, as newly registered ones. Once their details are verified these farmers will be included in the list of beneficiaries. The funds will be deposited into their accounts by August.

Since the scheme’s inception in 2018 until June 2023, a remarkable sum of Rs 56,678 crore has been credited to farmers’ accounts, providing essential financial assistance. Currently, a total of 2,61,07,691 farmers in Uttar Pradesh have benefited from this welfare scheme at least once, reaffirming its impact on the agricultural community.

The PM-KISAN scheme, aimed at augmenting farmers’ income, extends a yearly financial assistance of Rs 4,2000 to farmers, providing them with much-needed support throughout the year.

To mark this momentous occasion, various districts in Uttar Pradesh will organize programs in collaboration with the state government, where the installment of the Prime Minister’s Kisan Samman Nidhi will be celebrated. Ministers of the state government, including Agriculture Minister Surya Pratap Shahi, Anup Valmiki, Sanjay Gangwar, Ravindra Jaiswal, Laxmi Narayan, Kapil Dev Agarwal, Baldev Singh Aulakh, and Somendra Tomar, will be present in different districts to witness the distribution of funds and convey the government’s commitment to the welfare of farmers.

The PM-KISAN scheme continues to stand as a testament to the government’s dedication to uplifting the agricultural sector and empowering the backbone of India’s economy – the hardworking farmers. With each installment, it reinforces the promise of prosperity and progress for the farming community.