Chandigarh: A shocking incident took place in Chandigarh as an 11-year old girl was gang-raped by four students. These included three students from Class 9th of a Government school while the remaining one student was her own classmate. Upon investigation, the Police arrested all the four students and sent them to juvenile homes.

The reports even say that the suspects were blackmailing her for many months. They are still trying to figure out whether the girl was gang-raped repeated times or not. The girl’s mother even said that this incident took place around 2 weeks ago.

She told in the Police report that the students raped her child in the bushes which were just outside the school. The complaint regarding this matter has also been given to the school and strict actions will be taken for the same. The victim’s mother revealed that her daughter told her about the incident because she was in a trauma.

Upon knowing the incident, her mother immediately called the Class Teacher who informed the Child Helpline about the case. On Thursday, 18 May, a case was registered against all the suspects under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act. Later they were arrested and sent to the juvenile homes.