According to the updated COVID-19 data by the official website of the Centre’s Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), the active caseload in India presently stands at 2,62,272, which is approximately 2.56% of the total population of the nation, whereas the rate of recovery is quite praiseworthy, a straight 95.99%, with 98,34,141 total recoveries since the global epidemic appeared.

Notably, 20,549 fresh cases have been recorded in the last 24 hours. The current death rate of the nation is 1.45% with 286 deaths nationwide in the last 24 hours. The total death toll has mounted to 1,48,439 in all these months.

The slow pace of the COVID-19 vaccine distribution in the US has reportedly made President-elect Joe Biden lambast the Donald Trump administration, declaring the administration to be “falling far behind”.

Meanwhile, the probable first US case of the newly found and highly contagious COVID-19 mutant virus has been diagnosed in Colorado, on which President-elect Biden expressed concern that with the current pace of vaccine distribution it will be extremely difficult to vaccinate all the Americans within a considerable period.

On the other hand, Singapore, with its kickstart in providing vaccination to all the healthcare workers, enlists its name as the ‘1st Asian country to vaccinate the healthcare workers against COVID-19 with Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.