Speaking ahead of the World Press Freedom Day, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued a rallying cry for journalists and media worldwide. Media is the mirror for the society and its freedom is under attack in every corner of the globe. With journalists continually harassed, jailed, and killed, UN officials warned, “All our freedom depends on press freedom”. In a video message, Antanio said that press freedom is the foundation of democracy and justice and the lifeblood of human rights.

According to the rankings of the World Press Freedom Index, India has slid from 11 spots and is now below Pakistan (150th), Afghanistan (152th), Sri Lanka (135th), and Nepal (95th). Out of 180 countries, India’s ranking in World Press Freedom Index fell from 150th in 2022 to 161 this year. Yet, it fares better than China (179th) and Bangladesh (163rd).

Report by Committee Against Assault on Journalists states from 2021-22, 78% were reported for violence against journalist including gender-based attacks on women.

For any democratic country, freedom of press is the basic need. But is media really independent in India? On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, it has become crucial to ensure the freedom of press with safe environment and self-censorship, legal framework and transparency while maintaining the quality of information.