Bollywood actress Yami Gautam and Uri director Aditya Dhar have welcomed their first child, a baby boy who has been named Vedavid. They took to Instagram on May 20 to announce the good news while exuding pure happiness. They thanked the medical staff at Surya Hospital and specially mentioned Dr Bhupender Awasthi and Dr Ranjana Dhanu for their incessant efforts. Yami and Aditya are also awaiting the arrival of a baby boy and are ready to become parents for the first time. In their Instagram note, they wished Vedavid would turn out to be a source of pride for the family and country.

Thus, their announcement made Bollywood colleagues like Ayushmann Khurrana, Mrunal Thakur, and Neha Dhupia send them warm wishes.

Yami had flaunted her baby bump during the trailer release of their movie ‘Article 370’. The couple had been dating for over two years and tied the knot in June 2021.

They shared the exciting news on Instagram in a very positive light and with a lot of excitement about what is to come in their journey into parenthood. Now Vedavid has come, and Yami and Aditya’s new phase of life is full of love and hopes for the family. The words of encouragement streaming in from their colleagues in the industry reminisce the moment of celebration for the couple.

From being a couple in a relationship and then in a matrimony, they are now parents to a beautiful baby boy. They plan for the future and eagerly await the moment when they will see their son pass through various stages and distinguish himself in everything with their help. It is, therefore, going to be a beautiful experience for parents as they look forward to the beautiful moments and memories attendant to parenthood.

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