Mumbai: Salman Khan’s new movie, Kisi ka Bhai Kisi ki Jaan, will be released tomorrow. This movie will be the first in the last three years in which Salman Khan’s coming back as a lead actor. Salman Khan is known to provide Blockbuster hits during the Eid festival. But the main question is whether Salman Khan will be able to have another impact or not.

Meanwhile, Yash Chopra’s wife Pamela Chopra passed away today morning and the actor has cancelled the premier of his movie to offer condolences to the late producer. The actor shares warm relation with Chopra family on personal and professional level.

Salman Khan has given ten movies during the Eid festival in the last few years, providing an average collection of approximately 26 crores on the first day. These odds define that it will be a massive opportunity for Salman Khan to make his comeback movie a blockbuster. He has also urged fans to buy ticket for his upcomming movie through a tweet.

Many Bollywood superstars have been suffering from a downfall for many years. They have seen total rejection from the fans, and some of them even protested against the movies. Salman fans have waited for a long time for a film during the Eid festival, which makes Kisi ka Bhai kisi ki Jaan a big test for Salman Khan and the Bollywood industry.

Due to the high competition, Salman Khan also decided to keep the price of the tickets low. Therefore, these aspects will play a massive role in ensuring that the movie Kisi ka Bhai Kisi ki Jaan will be a considerable Blockbuster or not. 
