The film Ulajh, which struck the big screen last Friday, has reportedly faced a dip in its box office collection. Industry watchers said the movie managed to gross ₹ 50 lakh on the first Thursday, taking the overall gross collection in India to about ₹ 7 crore. Ulajh is released under the direction of Sudhanshu Saria, where Janhvi Kapoor plays the main role in the character of Suhana, a young diplomat and Spy. As mentioned earlier the film also offers a good cast that includes Roshan Mathew, Gulshan Devaiah, Adil Hussain, Rajesh Tailang, Meiyang Chang, Rajendra Gupta, and Jitendra Joshi.

Ulajh revolves around Suhana, the young, newly promoted Deputy High Commissioner for Britain, who is assigned a challenging assignment at the London High Commission. Suhana, as she experiences herself in her organization as a sophisticated sexual object, is under pressure as well as exposed to a severe gaze. Her character defies traditional clichés, and she II deals with the theme of favouritism within the plot. Most of the film’s mystery is conveyed by a secret agent played by Gulshan Devaiah and his role contributes to the movie’s suspense.

Indeed, in the trailer of the film, the terms ‘maze’, ‘betrayals’ and ‘leaks’ were mentioned, which may tell us about an internal leak, making Suhana struggle for mere survival as undercover agents are in danger. Conceived and directed by Parveez Shaikh as well as written by Sudhanshu Saria and dialogues by Atika Chauhan, Ulajh had in its attempts to bring out an edge-of-seat thriller to the audience.

While the plot of the story and the list of cast members look quite impressive, Ulajh experiences fluctuations in the flow of the audience, which in turn leads to questions regarding the reactions of the audience and the factors which contributed to the current revenue. The film’s movements in the cinemas will continue to attract a keen interest as it undergoes its as it goes through a further stretch in the highly congested commercial competition.

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