Bollywood witnessed an intriguing box office clash as Kangana Ranaut’s action-packed aerial film, “Tejas,” and Vikrant Massey’s biographical drama, “12th Fail,” hit the theaters on the same day. Expectations were high, but the films embarked on different trajectories. “Tejas” struggled to attract moviegoers and garnered mixed reviews from critics, while “12th Fail” gained momentum through positive word-of-mouth and achieved impressive success.

Now, let’s delve into the performance of both films on their ninth day of release. According to industry trackers, “Tejas” had a modest start in India, accumulating a net collection of Rs 5.56 crore over the first eight days. On the ninth day, “Tejas” added an additional Rs 0.09 crore, reaching a total collection of Rs 5.65 crore at the Indian box office. Directed by Sarvesh Mewara, “Tejas” revolves around a dedicated Indian Air Force officer’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the nation. Besides Kangana Ranaut, the film features Anshul Chauhan, Varun Mitra, Ashish Vidyarthi, and Vishak Nair in significant roles.

On the contrary, “12th Fail” had a strong performance during the initial eight days at the box office. Early estimates from industry trackers suggest that on the ninth day, the film added Rs 2.7 crore to its cumulative collection across all languages. This propelled the film’s total earnings to Rs 17.46 crore. Directed by Vidhu Vinod Chopra, “12th Fail” narrates the compelling story of Manoj Kumar Sharma, an IPS officer who embarks on the arduous journey of preparing for the UPSC exam to further his education. The film also stars Medha Shankar, Sanjay Bishnoi, and Harish Khanna in pivotal roles.

In this head-to-head box office battle, “12th Fail” appears to have gained the upper hand, surpassing “Tejas” both in terms of audience reception and financial success. As these two films continue their cinematic journey, the competition at the box office remains an intriguing spectacle for Bollywood enthusiasts and industry observers alike.