Mumbai: Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) Subramanian Swamy blamed Akshay Kumar and the team for allegedly distorting the Ram Setu saga. BJP MP took to his Twitter handle and announced that he has sent legal notice to Akshay Kumar and 8 others for his upcoming film, Ram Setu.

The action-adventure drama Ram Setu centers on an archaeologist determining whether Ram Setu is a myth or an actual location. BJP MP has accused the Mumbai cinema of falsifying and misappropriation and confirmed that he has issued a legal notice to actors.

In a series of tweets, BJP leader Subramanian Swamy accused Akshay Kumar and the producers of undermining the portrayal of Ram Setu. A few days back, he tweeted, “The suit for compensation has been finalized by my associate Satya Sabharwal Adv. I am using Akshay Kumar, actor & Karma Media for damages caused by falsification in the portrayal of the Ram Setu issue in their film for release”.