Stree 2, the horror-comedy directed by Amar Kaushik that is the sequel to the 2018 movie Stree, has registered an astounding performance over its first two days at the Indian box office, grossing 118 crore, says the film’s makers. As for Shraddha Kapoor, Rajkummar Rao, Aparshakti Khurana, Abhishek Banerjee and Pankaj Tripathi starrer, the film got off to a good start. On the first day of the release of Stree 2, the movie collected Rs. 76.5 crore across India. The next day, again, the film collected over ₹41 crore.

The weekend is approaching, and thus, considering that Raksha Bandhan is on Monday, the film may see even better results in the next few days at the box office. It is certain that as the holiday season is around the corner, the movie is expected to record more sales, and therefore, its revenue could increase even further.

Amar Kaushik directs the second part of the comedy horror Stree and casts Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor from part one. The successor follows the narrative of an evil spirit, Sarkata, which haunts the inhabitants, this time in Chanderi. The townsfolk seek help from Stree when threatened by conditions that were hitherto unknown to them. The movie contains not only the sequel of the first film’s story but also several rather unexpected guest performers, including Varun Dhawan, who returned to the image of Bhediya and travelled in a musical number with Shraddha Kapoor.

A good cast, an interesting plot, and the opportunity to see the stars in a movie’s framework have given the viewers much attention and expectations. The audience response and the excellent first week’s figures prove that the film could expect further success at cinemas. As Stree 2 comes out at the time of this festive season and on such a holiday weekend, the film is on track to become amongst the biggest in Indian cinema.

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