The movie Stree 2, starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao, has certainly created a huge buzz by doing a phenomenal opening on the occasion of Independence Day. The film has crossed the first-day collections of 2023’s two biggest movies, Animal and Pathaan, which collected Rs 63.8 crore and Rs 57 crore, respectively. Stree 2 premiered on Thursday, but the channel aired its preview on Wednesday evening. Estimates of the movie’s receivables from trade analysts stand at Rs 64.8 crore daily and over both days. In particular, Stree 2 collected Rs 9.4 crore on Wednesday night and a stupendous Rs 55.4 crore on Thursday.

Being directed by Amar Kaushik, Stree 2 has debuted as the biggest released movie in the Hindi movie industry. Before this, the mantle of the biggest Hindi opener of 2023 used to be with Fighter, where Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone were the lead cast; the movie had grossed Rs 24.6 crore on the opening day of the month of January. But yes, in the larger context of Indian cinema, Kalki 2898 AD remains the biggest opener of the year, earning Rs 95 crore on its first day in Hindi, Telugu, and Tamil versions.

Market observers pointed out that Stree 2 offered an overall occupancy rate of 77.09 percent on Thursday. The film was very appreciated in the Delhi-NCR region, where it was having 1200 shows and the occupancy was 86. 75 percent occupancy rate. In Mumbai, the film was put on 1103 shows, and the average occupancy was 81 percent. The planned release of Stree 2 on Independence Day should give massive returns at the box office, more so with the five-day weekend expected. Further adding to its revenues will be Monday’s Raksha Bandhan holiday only in many parts of the country.

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