Mumbai: As per Sources the Mumbai Police had called actor Shah Rukh Khan’s manager Pooja Dadlani for questioning but she did not appear before them citing health reasons. “Her statement is important for SIT & in the time to come, we’ll summon her again for questioning,” said Mumbai Police.

In the meanwhile,  Sanville Adrian Dsouza alias Sam D’Souza who has grabbed the limelight in connection with Aryan Khan’s case, has neither appeared before the Mumbai Police Special Investigation Team (SIT) nor has been seen at the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) office. It is speculated that Sam has gone underground while some claim him to be on a vacay amidt the festive season.

A resident of Mumbai, Sam surfaced as an entity involved in pay-off deal of 18lkah rupees between thr former and the KP Gosavi, to whom Prabahak Sail appeared as an independent witness after eaves dropping their conversation.

The Mumbai police has sought  the CCTV footage of NCB’s south Mumbai offices,to cross verify the activity and movement of Sam D’Souza, K P Gosawi and Manish Bhanushali inside the NCB office.

It is also reported that the Mumbai police have checked the CCTV footage of the Lower Parel area where Pooja Dadlani reportedly met Gosavi and D’Souza and found that Pooja’s car was in that area. The Delhi team of the NCB is also looking into the pay-off allegation. On Monday, the team visited the spot outside the Indiana Hotel where SRKs assistant apparently met Gosavi.