Shah Rukh Khan’s blockbuster movie, ‘Jawan’ is making waves in the world of cinema as it enters its week on the screen. The film has already surpassed ₹800 crore in global box office earnings. Shows no signs of slowing down. In 12 days since its release, ‘Jawan’ is on the brink of reaching the ₹500 crore milestone at the box office. On a weekday specifically September 18th, the movie managed to achieve impressive earnings proving its enduring popularity.

Since hitting theatres on September 7th, ‘Jawan’ has been highly anticipated by fans. Has received acclaim for its captivating story and top-notch production quality.

‘Jawan’ has been setting fire to the box office since its release surpassing ₹800 crore worldwide. In India, it is poised to join the ₹500 crore club within the next day. On September 18th, despite experiencing a 50% decline in collections compared to the previous day, estimates suggest that the film earned a total of ₹16 crores at the domestic box office.

As a result, after 12 days of screening in India, ‘Jawan’ has accumulated a collection of ₹493.63 crore.

On September 18th, the movie achieved an occupancy rate of 23.92 percent, indicating its enduring appeal and the enthusiastic reception it received from audiences nationwide. ‘Jawan’ stands out as a testament, to both box office triumph and audience admiration, in the realm of cinema.