Mumbai: Bollywood actor Sonu Sood said that he has quarantined himself as he tested positive for Covid-19. He took the news to his social media handle to share with his fans and followers. Earlier this month, the actor was made the brand ambassador for Punjab’s anti-vaccination program. He said, “I feel blessed to be playing any part in this huge campaign of the Punjab government to protect the lives of the people of my home state”.

On Saturday, Sonu shared a message for his fans and followers and wrote, “Covid-positive. Mood & spirit- super positive. Hi everyone, this is to inform you that I have tested positive this morning for Covid-19 as a part of precautions I have already quarantined myself & taking utmost care, but don’t worry this gives me ample time to solve your problems remember I am always there for you all”. 

His fans wished him a speedy recovery. One of his fans wrote, “Get well soon v@SonuSood, u r doing something which showcases that humanity is still alive, lots n lots of prayers are already with u, just take care of yourself as our country needs u more”.

During the pandemic, the 47-year-old actor has distributed food to the homeless and has sent thousands of migrants home. His work inspires the entire nation. He said, “I truly believe I am no savior. I am just a human being playing my own small part in the big plans of God”.