Mumbai: The Bombay High Court on Friday rejected a plea to stay the release of the film “Sky Force” in a copyright infringement case against the script titled “Fire Bird”. Akshay Kumar’s first release of 2025, Sky Force, has reached the box office.
The Court rejected the prayer for ad-interim relief and held that defendants would suffer immense loss, if the ad-interim stay of release of the film was granted, particularly when applicant had approached this Court at the eleventh hour and just before release of the film.
According to the report, the court further denied Gangatkar’s request for a pre-screening of Sky Force. In addition, the Court asked the defendants (makers of the film) to file their responses to the plea within four weeks.
As per the portal, Sandeep Gangatkar alleged in his plea that the director and producers of Sky Force, Sandeep Kewlani, Maddock Films and Jio Studios (defendants), had used his original and unpublished script Fire-Bird. His counsel claimed that the makers of the film had access to his script and used it without permission.
Sky Force: Box Office Updates
Sky Force saw a huge surge in the previous 48 hours after a poor start, and it currently has a far greater number than Akshay Kumar’s latest disasters. According to reports, the movie sold tickets for 3.82 crore at the Indian box office, closing its first day of advance sales. This includes more than 1.61 lakh tickets sold nationwide.
Sky Force is also available on IMAX, and 3,650+ tickets out of a total of 1.61 lakh+ tickets were booked during the presale. With a good show total of over 12,100, this biggie has outperformed Akshay’s prior releases. Therefore, a good start at the Indian box office may be achieved even with a respectable occupancy rate throughout the day.
Sky Force has recorded the fourth-highest day-one advance booking for Akshay Kumar in the post-pandemic era, with a gross of 3.82 crore. At the top with a gross of 5.35 crore is Sooryavanshi. The pre-sales of Akki’s most recent release are 28.59% fewer than those of Sooryavanshi, a far more well-known and anticipated movie.
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