Monday saw the first drop in box office collection for the aerial action film Sky Force. The movie, which features Veer Pahariya for the first time and stars Akshay Kumar, made nearly ₹60 crore on its first weekend of release. It increased the total amount by ₹6.25 crore on Monday, bringing it closer to the ₹100-crore mark.
Sky Force box office collection day 4
It was anticipated that Sky Force’s collections would drop on the first Monday, the fourth day after its release. The reduction was anticipated to be significant because the first Monday came after the Republic Day holiday. Reports indicate that Sky Force’s collections saw a sharp decline of 77%. It made ₹6.25 crore on Monday, compared to ₹28 crore on Sunday.
After four days, Sky Force’s total domestic net collection is ₹68.50 crore. When the producers reveal the actual figures on Tuesday afternoon, the amount, which is based on preliminary estimates, may surpass ₹75 crore.
Sky Force overseas box office collection
Sky Force is also performing well overseas, earning $800,000 in the opening weekend alone, taking its earnings to over ₹6.5 crore. The film Sky Force has grossed an estimated ₹90 crore worldwide in its first four days. The film Sky Force witnessed strong growth on the second and third day due to positive publicity. After Monday’s decline, the makers of the film are now hoping to see some improvement on Tuesday.
All about Sky Force
The film Sky Force, directed by Anil Kapoor, Abhishek and Sandeep Kewlani, is based on Pakistan’s Sargodha airbase attack in the 1965 India-Pakistan air war. Apart from Veer Pahadia and Akshay Kumar, Sharad Kelkar and Sara Ali Khan are also in lead roles. Nimrat Kaur’s cameo is also included in this film.
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